Monday, November 24, 2008


This was Summit Entertainment's one chance to make the leap into the big world, but they failed. This movie had some serious issues. First of all, those who haven't read the book would feel very lost. There was zero transition from "I hate you" to "I love you."

Bella was okay, but not great. Edward was ridiculous. His attempts to act dramatic or intense were laughable (seriously, the audience laughed out loud every time he tried to glare). His makeup looked caked on. His lips were way too red. For me, Edward was the #1 biggest problem with the movie. He was supposed to be strong, mysterious, intelligent, and dreamy. Instead, he came off as childish, petulant, and awkward. I cringed at almost everything he said.

Jacob was okay at acting, but his appearance bothered me. Couldn't they find a more attractive actor to play his part? Charlie I liked. He was perfect for his part. Alice was also great. Rosalie was awkward, Jasper was unnerving, Emmett was okay, Carlisle was scary (also too much makeup), and Esmee was nice.

There was no real chemistry between Bella and Edward until the last thirty seconds of the movie.

The moments where it was supposed to feel intense felt humorous and overacted, (apart from the scene where Bella is getting attacked--that was legitimately intense). The moments where it was supposed to be cute and romantic were cheesy and lame.

Overall, I can't really love a movie when I am cringing for half of it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Loved this movie! Creative, hilarious, and interesting all at the same time. Plus, the robot's attachment to the movie "Hello, Dolly!" was quite endearing. (I am also a big fan of the movie and music from "Hello, Dolly!" It is pretty amazing how the screenplay is like five pages long, but you can still understand everything the Robots are feeling with their expressive eyes.

Wall-E is definitely a family friendly movie, and one of those that you want to buy so you can have it in your home library collection :). At least I want it in my home library collection. Disney scores again.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Along Came Polly

I have been posting mainly negative reviews lately, but this movie deserves it. The movie is heavy on the crass humor--probably 60% of the jokes are bathroom humor. The story line is interesting, but if you edited this movie you wouldn't be left with much. Also, the message of marriage being unimportant and living only for the moment bothers me.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kung Fu Panda

This movie was hilarious. I liked it a lot. Jack Black did a great job with this one. It was a little weird how a panda bear had a father who was a goose, so I don't know why the producers did that, but oh well. The joke about him being out of breath after climbing up the stairs was funny every time (and they did it like 4 times). I enjoyed it and thought it was pretty well made and entertaining. Skadoosh!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Baby Mama

Meh. That's what I have to say. I thought this would be funnier than it was, especially for me--someone who has gone through pregnancy and childbirth. There were a few laughs, but they were, well, few.

No bed scenes, which was nice. Some crudeness and profanity, but not tons.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Dark Knight

Yes, this movie is exceptionally well-made. Yes, Christian Bale is amazing (and hot). Yes, the special effects were pretty darn special. But need this movie be so disturbing?

There are a few too many things in this movie that gave me a sick feeling in my stomach. Not only what the joker does, but what he says. Not only the violence that is shown, but what isn't shown.

I mean, a cell phone bomb in a guy's stomach? That is really disgusting. Burning gasoline on a guy's face? Carving smile marks into victims' cheeks? This is not your typical feel-good superhero movie. A little much for me, really. And by the way, we love you Maggie, but we miss Katie.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Nanny Diaries

As this was a movie I had barely heard of, I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. If you watch it with a DVD player that edits out the language for you then you are set to go. (There is brief strong language.) Scarlett Johansson does a great job as a nanny in NYC, and she is more believable and less painted than in some of her other films. The romance is pretty much just a side plot, with the main idea of the movie being self-discovery and as the tag line says, "Life on top as seen from the bottom." Another cool thing about this movie is that it is framed as a documentary--the lead character offering social commentary throughout. At the end you find that it is her application to NYU's graduate school in anthropology.
P.S. The Harvard Hottie is pretty hot, I must say :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Made of Honor

This movie was cute, but I would have enjoyed it much more if all the crudeness and swearing had been cut out. I didn't understand half of the crass lines that the characters said, but I knew they were bad. I also heard that it was a lot like My Best Friend's Wedding, which I haven't seen, but with a happy ending. I enjoyed it and Patrick Dempsey and Michelle Monaghan acted well, but I would suggest it edited if possible.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Iron Man

While the beginning of this movie has some not-so-good parts showing the decadent life of the main character, once you get past that part (a heated bed scene), this is a great movie. The plot is excellent, the dialog 100 x better than Transformers, and Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert Downey play their parts exceptionally well. I thought the villains were a bit over-the-top, but overall this movie is very entertaining. One of the few movies that I didn't regret paying full price for.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bean: the Movie

I had great expectations for this movie. I imagined I would burn at least 549 calories from laughter alone, not to mention the rolling around on the floor. Alas, it wasn't quite my type of humor. Granted, there are some laugh-out-loud funnies, but there also some cringe-worthy embarrassing attempts at humor, including some vulgarities. Entertaining, but half-heartedly entertaining. For me.

Monday, April 28, 2008

House of Flying Daggers

I enjoyed this movie despite my aversion to violence and gore. This did not actually have a lot of blood in it until the last scene. I liked the message though. While the movie had the cool kung fu moves and everything, it did not glorify violence. In the end, violence is shown to be pointless and the cause of all the sadness. The movie is about a rebel group that is revolting against the government, but the movie is very neutral so that you do not know which side you're on in the end. It had a lot of twists and turns, so don't be surprised when the movie just keeps going and your view of the characters completely changes.

Benny & Joon

This movie was a little bit weird, but it definitely shows off Johnny Depp's amazing acting skills. He portrays an odd guy who is obsessed with movies and tries to act like Buster Keaton and actually does a pretty good job of it. The girl in the movie, Joon (Juniper), has mental challenges which seem to be a mixture of lots of disorders. The plot was a little dull, but it provided a greater insight into the lives of people with mental disorders and their families. It was pretty funny at times as well. Overall, I'd recommend watching it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The exclamation point is only there because it is part of the actual title. There is nothing in this movie worthy of an exclamation point, unless it follows this: Lame-O!

I thought this was going to be a funny movie. True, the only thing I'd heard of it was that it was the source for the quote "Surely you can't be serious!" "I am serious and don't call me Shirley!" Regretfully, that quote wasn't even funny in the movie. I thought it was just really odd humor which wasn't even funny to me. I even fell asleep at the end. All in all, I doubt any of you would like this movie. Not worth your time.

P.S. While this movie is rated PG, there is a flash of female nudity. Quite disturbing.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bee Movie

While this movie is family friendly, I'd say that overall it was just dumb. I can't even imagine a cornier plot, and some of the It was a struggle. I had to cringe when I realized that the bees were going to actually carry the airplane to safety. And what was with the romance between the bee and the human? That was just plain creepy.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Gods Must Be Crazy

This movie is now on my top ten favorite movies list. It takes a very creative approach to the whole plot, and while there are parts which are gut-bustin' funny, it remains very thought provoking. The slight touch of romance at the end of the movie provides the perfect ending.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Love Story

Last February around Valentine's Day, I saw this movie for $5 at WalMart. I figured that since it had such a famous soundtrack it probably was a good movie. So, I bought it. Bad move. Or maybe I should say bad movie.

There are like zero funny parts, the heroine's personality seriously bugged me, neither of the lovers are good looking, and what is with the lame corny line: "love means never having to say you're sorry"?!

This movie is rated PG, but there is partial nudity and a bed scene, which was surprising to me for a movie almost forty years old. Anyway, I give this a thumbs down. If any of you want this movie, I have a copy I never want to see again.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


This movie seems like it would be better than it is because the title is so cute, but alas. It is just a bit silly. How can they fall in love after one afternoon together? A bit too unreal...
John Cusak is a great actor, and the guy who plays his best friend is also really good. The women in the movie aren't that great, in my opinion. Our leading lady has something wrong with her teeth which is bothersome. I guess that overall the whole story is just too corny. If you do want to watch it, it would be better to get it edited because of one bed scene.

Let's just say I liked it when I was 16. Now, not so much.