Monday, November 24, 2008


This was Summit Entertainment's one chance to make the leap into the big world, but they failed. This movie had some serious issues. First of all, those who haven't read the book would feel very lost. There was zero transition from "I hate you" to "I love you."

Bella was okay, but not great. Edward was ridiculous. His attempts to act dramatic or intense were laughable (seriously, the audience laughed out loud every time he tried to glare). His makeup looked caked on. His lips were way too red. For me, Edward was the #1 biggest problem with the movie. He was supposed to be strong, mysterious, intelligent, and dreamy. Instead, he came off as childish, petulant, and awkward. I cringed at almost everything he said.

Jacob was okay at acting, but his appearance bothered me. Couldn't they find a more attractive actor to play his part? Charlie I liked. He was perfect for his part. Alice was also great. Rosalie was awkward, Jasper was unnerving, Emmett was okay, Carlisle was scary (also too much makeup), and Esmee was nice.

There was no real chemistry between Bella and Edward until the last thirty seconds of the movie.

The moments where it was supposed to feel intense felt humorous and overacted, (apart from the scene where Bella is getting attacked--that was legitimately intense). The moments where it was supposed to be cute and romantic were cheesy and lame.

Overall, I can't really love a movie when I am cringing for half of it.

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