Lest you think I hadn't watch a biopic lately, here's one more review. LOVED the cinematography. Come to find out it was originally filmed for a Spanish (as in Spain) audience because the family that the movie is about is Spanish. However, the director cast the family as British with Naomi Watts as the mom and Ewan McGregor as the dad. Ewan McGregor was remarkably believable as the dad. There was only one scene that I thought he lost character, but overall wonderful acting. The kids were incredible actors too, especially the oldest. Wow. Can't think of what else Naomi Watts is in so can't really compare, but she did fine too. The film was originally filmed in English despite being for a Spanish audience so no subtitles.
Suspenseful, dramatic (in a good way), moving, and a little bit gory. See imdb's parental guide for specifics.
There are a couple spots where frontal nudity is shown. It is not shown for sensuality and it's true to life in a tragedy but not needed for the overall story per se. There is a reason for it, but not compelling enough to view it in my opinion. It comes right after "you see the back of a woman's leg is ripped open and the tattered, bloody wound is shown."
This movie made me aware of possible tragedies that some families face and grateful that my family has not had to experience such incredible disaster. Also took me a little back in time as I remember this tsunami in the news and the relief efforts taken in its aftermath. The movie focuses on how the goodness and sacrifice of others literally saves lives.