Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Plot pretty predictable, but you knew it was going to be with so many visual effects and dramatic music. There were a couple surprises that kept us going. However, what was most intriguing was the idea/question that the movie revolves around: do memories make up the soul? Language and violence. Also one scene to bypass: after Tom Cruise comes home and has dinner with Vicka, they proceed to the pool for some hanky panky. (Thanks, Mom, for the warning! :)) And is it just us or does Tom Cruise seem the same in any role he plays and always named Jack? Just sayin.

1 comment:

  1. We just watched this last week! I liked it more than the last Tom Cruise movie I which he was also named Jack :). What I wanted to know though, was WHERE DID ALL THE OTHER JACK HARPERS GO?!
