Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Bond, James Bond.  So this one was medium.  The best part is the opening action scene.  Also, when confronted by the villain regarding his lack of sexual experience with other men, 007 relates that he's tried it.

Ugh,  why did we need to have that in there?  I understand Hollywood being gay-friendly, but that don't mean we need to have every character gay.  It's just kinda gay.  Also they make 007 out to be this older, less healthy, less accurate (marksmanship) person.  Lame.  I like my heroes awesome and slightly cocky.  Give my back my old Bond, James Bond. 5/10 stars.http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjM1MzMzOTA3MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTE3NzA1OA@@._V1._SY317_.jpg


  1. Also, how come Jen isn't a contributor? She should be :)

  2. Well, I invited her lots of times. She just never accepted I guess.
