Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Temple Grandin

This review is actually from Jen. Just had to share this movie as it is one of the best that I've seen in awhile.

This movie is a biographical film of Temple Grandin, whom Wikipedia describes as "a woman with autism who revolutionized practices for the humane handling of livestock on cattle ranches and slaughterhouses." Claire Danes plays Temple Grandin and Julia Ormond (played Sabrina in the modern version) plays Temple's mother. They gave amazing performances. The film creatively portrays how an autistic mind views the world while at the same time showing the conflicts, emotions, and reactions that come with interacting with an autistic individual.

Apart from learning more about the history of autism (ex. how people believed a mother's lack of touch was a cause of autism), I also learned a lot more about cattle -- from the view of an autistic individual.

This film gave me a new view of autism. It also reminded me how specific experiences, comments, and individuals move us to discover our strengths through our trials. An excellent movie. Also completely clean. Don't remember even one swear word.

The film was released in 2010 through HBO. Found the copy I watched at the library.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Source Code

Has anyone seen this yet?

Monday, March 28, 2011


This movie was actually really great! I feel like I always write negative reviews, and I guess I usually do. Because I want to spare you all the agony of wasting your time watching crappy movies!

But I think you will all like this movie a lot. It is about equal in my mind to the Bourne movies. Except that I like it a little more. I love how it keeps tricking me--she's good!--no! she's bad!--no! she's good!--bad!--good!--bad! Okay, maybe it wasn't quite that many times, but it was a little tricky. I mean, it is what you'd expect from an Action / Russian Spy / FBI flick, but it is excellently executed.

There was plenty of violence, and death--one horrifying death in particular--but I think the level of violence is about equal to what was in the Bourne movies. Or in Mission Impossible. And the plot is just so fantastically riveting! And Angelina Jolie does a superb job. Go watch this tonight!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


KNOW1NG. We watched this last night. I had low expectations. Those were not even met. This movie is ridiculous. Creepy children, horrific images--think people on fire--, disturbing voices, white-faced blond aliens, death, etc.

I can't think of anything cool about this movie. Oh wait. The design of the alien spaceship was rather innovative.

I've never been a fan of alien movies. Nor end-of-the-world movies. Bleh.