Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Bond, James Bond.  So this one was medium.  The best part is the opening action scene.  Also, when confronted by the villain regarding his lack of sexual experience with other men, 007 relates that he's tried it.

Ugh,  why did we need to have that in there?  I understand Hollywood being gay-friendly, but that don't mean we need to have every character gay.  It's just kinda gay.  Also they make 007 out to be this older, less healthy, less accurate (marksmanship) person.  Lame.  I like my heroes awesome and slightly cocky.  Give my back my old Bond, James Bond. 5/10 stars.http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjM1MzMzOTA3MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTE3NzA1OA@@._V1._SY317_.jpg

Friday, May 18, 2012

Avengers, anyone?

Does anyone want to review the Avengers so Dan and Lise will finally go see it? :)

I thought it was pretty awesome. Good dialogue and jokes, great action scenes, the plot was a little lacking, but I guess that is to be expected in an action movie like this. Overall, it is definitely a must see. What does everyone else think?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I hereby renew the Movie Blog with a review of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III.
The movie begins in feudal Japan, about 1600, with a masked man fighting four samurai on horseback. He gets captured, and who will rescue him? Now fastfoward 490 years to the sewers of New York City. April O'Neill is bringing the turtles some things she got from the flea market. She divies out the presents, and happens to give Donnie (the one who wears purple) an ancient japanese lantern. Turns out it transports them back in time to medieval Japan. While there, they end up having to help some poor villagers fight off an evil Japanese warlord who is trying to take over the land. Will they overcome disputes amongst themselves and conquer the villains in time to make it back to Manhattan before the time portal is closed forever? A complex plot filled with peril, romance, sacrifice, and betrayal. Few actors could have pulled off something of this depth, but the turtles have done it again. I give it two thumbs up. The humor is out of this world good, as is the lingo used in it. Perhaps one of the three most influential movies of our generation (bet you can't guess the other two). I think we can all learn a little from Rafael and his sidekicks.
Plot: 10
Acting: 10
Soundtrack: 10
Dancing: 10
Casey Jones: 10
Repeat Viewability: 100