Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wicker Park

I got this in Netflix having heard nothing about it (risky, I know...sometimes I just add things to my Queue with the intent to read up on them later).

Dan kept asking me, "Are you sure this is a chick flick?" because the music seriously sounded like someone was about to get murdered. Any second. All movie long practically. It gave it a really weird vibe.

Unfortunately, this movie moved SUPER SLOW. It was a little painful to get through, and there were unnecessary plot diversions (like what was up with that Daniel guy whose wife got killed in a hit and run? It added nothing to the movie except for contributing to the Is-someone-about-to-get-murdered?-feeling).

They could've made this a lot better by adding a little humor, moving it along faster, and taking out the weird music. Basically, it isn't worth watching.

PG-13 Content: language & sexuality (it says "sh*" ALL THE TIME, the f-word once, and there are like three bed scenes. So yeah, you'd better skip this movie.)

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