Thursday, January 15, 2009

Judgment at Nuremburg

This movie is based on the Judges' Trial that was part of the Nuremburg Tribunals in Germany shortly after WWII.

I have never seen another movie that treated in such depth questions of justice, morality, and law as this one does. The acting is superb; the line up includes an old Judy Garland in a relatively minor role, an old Spencer Tracy as the presiding judge, and a young, pre-Star Trek William Shatner. I liked the cinematography, especially the camera angles.

The movie is three hours long, but doesn't feel that long. It is in black and white.

It prompts reflection on aspects of WWII and its aftermath that don't usually come up in history texts or classes.

I highly reccommend this movie.


  1. Yay! Quince! You posted a review! I can't wait to watch this movie. It sounds awesome. I love WWII movies.

  2. Oh, one more thing, it is available for instant play on netflix.

  3. They must have taken it off instant play...bummer :(.
