Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bean: the Movie

I had great expectations for this movie. I imagined I would burn at least 549 calories from laughter alone, not to mention the rolling around on the floor. Alas, it wasn't quite my type of humor. Granted, there are some laugh-out-loud funnies, but there also some cringe-worthy embarrassing attempts at humor, including some vulgarities. Entertaining, but half-heartedly entertaining. For me.

Monday, April 28, 2008

House of Flying Daggers

I enjoyed this movie despite my aversion to violence and gore. This did not actually have a lot of blood in it until the last scene. I liked the message though. While the movie had the cool kung fu moves and everything, it did not glorify violence. In the end, violence is shown to be pointless and the cause of all the sadness. The movie is about a rebel group that is revolting against the government, but the movie is very neutral so that you do not know which side you're on in the end. It had a lot of twists and turns, so don't be surprised when the movie just keeps going and your view of the characters completely changes.

Benny & Joon

This movie was a little bit weird, but it definitely shows off Johnny Depp's amazing acting skills. He portrays an odd guy who is obsessed with movies and tries to act like Buster Keaton and actually does a pretty good job of it. The girl in the movie, Joon (Juniper), has mental challenges which seem to be a mixture of lots of disorders. The plot was a little dull, but it provided a greater insight into the lives of people with mental disorders and their families. It was pretty funny at times as well. Overall, I'd recommend watching it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The exclamation point is only there because it is part of the actual title. There is nothing in this movie worthy of an exclamation point, unless it follows this: Lame-O!

I thought this was going to be a funny movie. True, the only thing I'd heard of it was that it was the source for the quote "Surely you can't be serious!" "I am serious and don't call me Shirley!" Regretfully, that quote wasn't even funny in the movie. I thought it was just really odd humor which wasn't even funny to me. I even fell asleep at the end. All in all, I doubt any of you would like this movie. Not worth your time.

P.S. While this movie is rated PG, there is a flash of female nudity. Quite disturbing.